31 December 2010

A Look Back at 2010: Summertime Sunshine & Shadow

Late spring/early summer brought sunshine and shadows;
not just with the weather.
Mom's health took a definite downward turn
and her last trip to the place she dearly loved
--the coast of the PNW--
was made in May of 2010.
Shortly thereafter begin the time of shadows-
shadows, yes,
but mixed with light and with time by the still waters

where my soul gained strength and found refreshment

It was not always easy this place and time,
the valley of shadows never is,

but there was always some light in the midst of the darkness
and there were always still streams,
if I drew near to the Good Shepherd.

Later in 2010,
as her time drew closer and the shadows became more dense,
I was reminded that Christ had
on His earthly journey here,
also known the loss of a parent--
His earthly step-father
and it brought much comfort in the days that were still to come that
He truly did know my pain.
Still I have unanswered questions,
still I don't see clearly,
still some feeling of loss lingers on,
still I wish the answer given could have been a different one.
I know that someday those questions I have will be answered,
someday I will see face to face,
someday there will be no more pain
and someday I will know as I am known.
Until then I seek to draw closer to Him that made me,
and as I do I find that He draws closer to me.
Dedicated to the memory of my mother who passed away later in 2010,
and to the memory of others we have lost.
Some references: I Corinthians 13:8-12; Psalms 23

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