23 August 2013

Just Because

I am posting this just because I LOVE these little fish...
Doesn't the one fish look like he's smiling? LOL
You got to love a fish that looks happy,
and  makes me smile and happy too!
I wonder if God smiled when he created this little fish,
or when He created puppies, baby horses, penguins or alpacas?
I honestly don't know the answer,
 but what I do know is that each time He created something,
"God saw that it was good".
And I know I agree with HIM because our world is so very beautiful even now!
when I see something like this oh so wonderful fish,
it makes me wonder
what our world looked like in the beginning--
when it was newly created.
And, it makes me wonder--
what will heaven look like.
Well it's time to get busy...
lots of work to do in the garden and maybe,
just maybe,
there will be a fun field trip to go on today.
By the way,
does anyone know the name of my adorable, smiling, cutie-pie fish?
And even though it is not Wednesday,
here is a WORD for you today...
And God said,
Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life...
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth...
and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1: 20a, 21 (parts of) KJV
You can find all of these verses here at one of my favorite websites--
Bible Gateway.
Update (8/26/2013):
My oh so cute wonderful smiling fish now has a name
(thanks to Willow of http://whimsywillowsfarm.blogspot.com/)...
he is a yellow Hawaiian tang fish!!!
I should have known...so many wonderful things can be found in Hawaii:)
Speaking of wonderful things...
I highly recommend Willow's blog--
she lives a farm and has the most adorable collection of animals ever!
Take a peek, you'll see what I mean:)
And for more info on Mr. Smiling, oh so adorable, yellow Hawaiian tang fish....
Vacation Photo Collection
Central Oregon coast,
August 2013.

22 August 2013

Of Lefse, Rosemaling + Celtic Harps: Pt II

 With my mind on the wonder and goodness of vaflers this morn,
I thought another post on our trip to the Junction City Scandinavian Festival would be a good thing.
You can find part one here 
and, of course, I have quite a few posts about
Scandinavian festivals, food and celebrations here.
I also follow several Scandinavian blogs as you can see
 if you check out my blog favorites to the right...
My current favorite troll--
this time a front view.
He had me laughing with all his naughtiness--
reminded me of a 2 year old!
Have I ever told you just how much I LOVE the so called 'terrible 2's'?
I always thought of them as more terrific then terrible
Speaking of Scandinavian food,
one of my favorite subjects,
I always get one of these from the Frikadeller booth...
in fact it isn't a festival till I have eaten some kind of Scandinavian food! 
I LOVE Scandinavian food and my goal is to one day try at least one bite of lutefisk.
Have you ever had some lutefisk?
How about poi?
Not Scandinavian AT ALL,
but I like to include it in my list of foods I have tried:)

The top section of the information windmill--
it is here that you will find AWESOME people to help answer all the questions you might have--
questions like "Where do I find my favorite rosemaler?"
"Am I going the right way to find Noah (Celtic Harpist extraordinaire)?"
"Is anyone selling the dried flower headbands I bought years ago here?"
(sadly the answer was 'no' to the last question...)

We always enjoy the town's Scandinavian dancers...
all the way from the wee ones
(now that sounds rather Irish)
to young adults.
LOVE their floral crowns,
the music that gets your foot tapping,
their colorful traditional folk costumes
and of course the dancing!!

Of course, you will find rosemaling there...
on buildings,
some vendor booths
and on craft items too
(more about that in part III).
I have lots and lots of useable and decorative items with rosemaling (rose painting) on them--
shelves, a wood bucket, a fjord horse and more.
I LOVE rosemaling and we are lucky in the PNW
to have several women who continue this beautiful folk art! 

And last but not least,
another of my favorite things to find at Scandinavian festivals
are these....
lots and lots of flowers...
one can never have another flowers in their life
and one can never have enough flowers at a folk festival:)
Have a great day!
Our weather has changed and they are having thunderstorms in the southern portion of our state.
So much of the western states are now having wildfires...
and sadly, as you may know, we have had loss of life and property.
Would appreciate prayers for rain--
lots of drenching, healing rain.
2013 Junction City Scandinavian Festival

19 August 2013

Indulging Myself

I hope you will allow me permission to indulge myself on this beautiful sunny Monday afternoon.
You see I am still caught between the land of fantasy,
and the very real world of dirty dishes, piles of icky laundry
and other household tasks.  
It's not that I couldn't go back there...
(well maybe not HERE because I can't stand driving across high bridges
and someone else always has to do it),
but maybe south or north of there.

Yes, my heart would really like that--
to be in the land of seagulls, ocean and bays again.
But reality is telling me vacation is over and it's time to get back to work,
as my husband already did early this morning.
So with a few more photos, I shall stop my dreaming,
and get back to chores.
BIG frown.



just keep dreaming of that magical place while I do some chores.
Sounds like a win-win scenario.
Vacation Photo Collection
Central Oregon coast,
August 2013.
© 2013 A. Blessings
All rights reserved.
Please do not copy without permission.
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