25 October 2009

Dear Baby Granddaughter,

The mixing bowl sits empty now awaiting your return.

And the wooden spoon you always liked is currently being used for stirring real food-
not our wonderful 'pretend' puddings.

The saucer toy has been given away
(your other grandma found a great new home for it!);
but your 'horsey' is still here.
Yes, life seems so very different now,
both of your grandmas agree.
Seems like we're truly missing you
(and the rest of your family)...
but we're glad you're doing really well---
except for that whole winter coat thing :)

Blessings always & forever, Grandma Aimee

-A BIG thank you to my wonderful DIL (you know who you are) for permission to post the winter coat picture here. Miss ya!

Uniquely Autumn 2009

Before I get to the rest of the PNW Farm tour photos I thought I'd share with you some of the 'unique' findings in my garden this year. I've tried to be outside for at least a few moments each day - even on the wet ones - taking in the wonders of this autumn. Such BIG blessings these gifts from God!

Bleeding heart-still blooming. I believe is is the variety "spring magic". I am not sure what it was doing in spring this year but I can vouch for its summer and fall activities.
Ha! Another spring name--'spring bouquet' - a viburnum. Also confused as to the time of the year.
A lingonberry--some berries are close to being ripe, others less so
and then there are those 'spring' blossoms.

Our magnolia. Not too long ago--after the normal blossom date much, much earlier this year--it had at least one new blossom (probably more but they were up high) and now these buds/seed bracts???that I don't remember seeing before.
Our gunnera, AKA leaf collector by me, being normal. But because many consider it a unique plant I am including it here. Besides it is ULTRA cool!
After the rose blossom...I thought this uniquely beautiful!
A forsythia blossom--one of quite a few amidst the red leaves of autumn and the green leaves from summer. Another spring bloomer. You know I should tell you that my gardener friend and I speak in hushed tones about the microclimates we seem to have here in the garden :)
After blooming (bracts) so much of our summer, the dogwood is now preparing for another year's bracts---maybe at a more usual time.
And some of our kiwi. I am including it in this 'unique' autumn post for several reasons: first the yellow leaves behind it are from a white lilac and yet are other one shows no signs of changing leaves. Second, because when I visited a kiwi farm recently he thought it rather miraculous that I had any fruit considering (blush, blush) I had not pruned properly for---um--the entire time we have had the two kiwi vines. And lastly I include it because they are--mostly--still alive and thriving. Shock (I say shock because apparently they are supposed to be watered rather heavily and well...). I am sure you get the picture; these are truly blessings!
Hope you enjoyed the tour.
Blessings on this Sunday afternoon.
Not included is a salal --another so called spring bloomer and of course our famous fruiting blueberry!

Sunday Serenity

"When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:2, 3 NLT (© 2003 Ilumina software, Tyndale House Publishers)

This is for you my friend.
Blessings & Love Always,
Photo: rose
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