30 August 2013

Wasn't Going To...But

Yep, on this --
 the Friday before the busy Labor Day weekend,
 I wasn't going to post...
after a morning of listening to some favorite songs from my youth,
and after a few minutes weeding outside under the beautiful blue sky...
well, I saw the post below.
the colors were SO stunning,
the scenery SO amazing,
 the goats SO adorable...
 did I say that the photos are from my beloved, beloved Washington
and taken in the incredible North Cascades?
Well I just couldn't help myself...
so here you go
my share for this beautiful Friday.
Enjoy! I know I did:)
Wishing you all a wonderful AND very safe holiday weekend!
Am thinking of taking a break from blogging due to various obligations, etc.  
When I return, I'll finish up my series from the Scandinavian festival
and last week's photos.
Take care.

28 August 2013

After the Showers

I awoke this morning to a beautiful sight...
a wet deck
(give me a few months and it won't be as beautiful).
It wasn't too long thereafter that the thought of raindrops on roses and leaves
brought me outside to partake of the blessings of the garden.
A stroll by the Shiro plum again had me thinking--
what can I do with all these???
After all, a girl and her guy can only eat SO much.

Another part of the garden brought me by one of my unofficial rain gauges...
I know you won't believe my other 'rain gauge' is a laundry basket I sometimes leave outside
(along with some laundry).

I sometimes see things that don't belong on other things...
like hearts in clouds
and this rooster/chicken on an apple.
PLEASE tell me YOU see things like that too...
Happily it looks like we will have a good apple harvest this year...
Granny Smith, Liberty and other apples.

There you go...
raindrops on roses.
And you thought it was just lyrics to a song...
Just what I LOVE to see...
a rhododendron blooming in late summer.
All us PNW people love our rhodies...
well at least this PNW person does:)
 Other unexpected blessings this summer were ferns and lavender we didn't plant:)
Oh and one, exactly one, sunflower!

Well it's time to go and check the, hopefully dry now, laundry
and get it safely inside
before we get another round of 'blessings'.
I leave you with a final photo of our crocosmia...
Blessings on this special day,
Another question:
In addition to how to use lots and lots of Shiro and Satsuma plums
(both Japanese plums), any ideas on what to do with a lot of Asian pears?

26 August 2013

Last Week + Family Introductions: Pt I

You can feel it now, at night especially--autumn is in the air and has even left it's beautiful mark on a few leaves. And as I see the leaves turn red and yellow, and as I feel a bit of chill in the night air, my heart is filled with a happy anticipation for what is to come--because the beauty of autumn overwhelms me (in a very good way)!
But, even though signs of fall are growing around me, the calendar says we still have about a month of summer to go...and so there is still time to enjoy summer pastimes
 (while making autumn dreams).
Last week we made a trip to Mt Angel and Silverton to get some great German sausage
(photos later)
and then...
Last weekend we were blessed by getting to take BOTH of our granddaughters
 on a last minute coast, forest, mountain, farm, valley trip...
You've already met our youngest granddaughter...
but now I have the pleasure,
the very great pleasure,
of introducing you to her totally awesome sister,
our oldest granddaughter!
Aren't they beautiful?
They are BOTH such blessings
and so much fun to be with!
Our oldest granddaughter is just THE BEST with her youngest sister too:)
On our little excursion all of us,
including older sis,
 worked on lesson 2 of teaching little one to swing by herself--
and she is slowly learning how.
Look at the determination in her face!
She WILL master it soon I know.
In the valley
we passed by this incredible field,
and the golden light was SO beautiful...
can someone please remind me next time to bring lens cleaner
and a wipe?
Oh and roll down the window...
yep all those little things one forgets in the excitement of the moment!
I never tire of seeing the fields of the valley--
watching them being tilled,
crops growing in them,
and, yep, after harvest too.
Farming amazes me!
On our trip we also had the pleasure of stopping by for another pony ride
at the same place as before!
There the two young ladies again helped us
(they are totally AWESOME with young kids)
little one had her second pony/horse ride;
older sis her very FIRST!!!
Afterwards one of the girls took time to show us one of their baby bunnies--
see how cute his (or her) little paw is?
And those little ears?
SO very precious and all of us treated this new life as such.
Thank you ladies!!!
We always include some forest time if we can...
I am beginning to love the coast more and more,
but I will ALWAYS  love the mountains of the PNW
(and everywhere else)!
Fun at the lake--
we love the lake and the great park there!
This was shot during the water fight...
Papa (AKA Farmer Boy) loves a good water fight,
especially when the kids aren't expecting it
(oh yes, the girls love it too)
The beach, of course, is always--
always fun and it's especially fun in the fog
(you know how much I LOVE fog)
it was very magical there this time,
 slightly obscuring the seagulls and kids in the water.
Made for some great, fun photos--
Have a great day!
August 2013--Oregon
at various locations on the central coast, coast range and valley.
A BIG thank you to the ladies of the pony ride place
who have made our  last 2 trips there wonderful!
Hope to see you again before the riding season ends:)
I apologize for not knowing the name of their place,
but it is past Grande Ronde and just before you make a climb over the coast range--
maybe 10-15 minutes before the rest area on Highway 18??
They are usually opened on weekends-for awhile yet.
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