05 November 2009

The Storm

Outside it’s stormy;
an autumn storm has arrived in the PNW
bringing with it colder temps, rain and wind gusts.
But the NW wasn't the only place affected by a storm today-
for all of America was hit by one this Thursday;
though the worst of it landed in Texas-
on a post filled with American men, women and children.
This storm did not come from the skies above;
it was not a product of nature.
nor sent by God.
No, sadly it came from a fellow countryman
and brother-in-arms.
But it was a storm nevertheless and the
devastation and loss it brought cruel and terrible indeed.
And for a moment this day the nation stood silent in shock
as those horrible reports came flooding in,
because things like this shouldn't happen
but because of the world we live in they sometimes do.
So tonight this mother's heart weeps for you who bore this storm's cruel brunt:
for the families who suffered the great loss of their loved ones
and for those whose bodies are now filled with pain from wounds suffered.
Know that there are many of us who grieve with you over your loss and pain-
though most of us cannot comprehend it fully.
(How can one understand an act such as this?)
And know that we pray for God to show His grace and abundant love to you;
that you will find shelter under His wings
and that - in the midst of your pain - you will feel God's peace-
a peace He promised is so very great that it passeth all understanding.
And that those in hospital beds will recover quickly--
in body, mind and spirit.
Finally we pray that God will once again bless this land we love so dearly;
and that all who live both within and outside its borders will come to know true peace and brotherhood; where love is the only language spoken and the Golden Rule is followed by all mankind.
May God bless & be with you,
Storm we traveled through earlier this year.

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