05 November 2009

Thursday Thanks-giving: autumn colors

Being a Pilgrim descendant it is no wonder that my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I thought it might be nice then to usher in the day of giving thanks to God with a few Thursdays of thanks-giving. After all we usher in Easter with the season of Lent
and Christmas with the season of Advent--so why not have a season in which to reflect on God's goodness and blessings to us that culminates in the day of Thanksgiving?
Actually since God brings us blessings each day maybe the whole year--all 365 days of it--should be days of thanksgiving.
Maybe the world isn't ready for that -- yet.
Anyway here it goes---my first Thursday Thanks-giving.

I am SO thankful for the beautiful colors of the autumn season. Just as the land and many of its plants begin to prepare for their long winter's rest, God adorns them in such finery that one can only go--WOW! You know the end of the day's beautiful sunsets are just like that--especially those on the desert;
sunsets there are truly amazing!
But then so are those over the ocean
and on mountains too.
OK I confess, I just have a real soft spot for sunsets--anywhere.
I feel better now that I've admitted that; you know confession is so good for one's soul.

And as you all know --I am SO thankful for blueberries. I love them in the spring when they are filled with pretty blossoms, in the summer when they're covered with big, ripe, juicy blueberries and in autumn when they fill my garden with my favorite color of red.

Of course you all know the blueberries above (second photo) can't be from my garden.

Nope! Because even though I added another plant this year, that still only brings me to 5 and this field of blueberries we passed had a LOT more plants then that!

A WHOLE lot more!
Maybe next year I'll add another one---I'm sure the gooseberries and spirae won't mind giving up a little 'branch' room for a friendly, no thorns blueberry--

And my oldest son, who adores them, won't mind either. Can you imagine he told me this summer that I should rip out all the ornamental plants in HIS garden--and put in only edible plants--like blueberries.

NOW that isn't going to happen.

Speaking of blueberries--here's another one of ours. I just never get tired of looking at them clothed in their autumn color.

Next is a collection of our leaves on the concrete table my Farmer Boy made with our kids--or was it the grandkids? Eek! This photo turned out a lot more dull then it looked in real life--you'll have to pretend the sun is shining on the leaves and that they are all glossy in the light.
And last, but not least, the Prairifire crabapple we planted earlier this year-in spring-when it was filled with beautiful red-pink blossoms. It is pretty now with its red fruit and yellowing leaves--especially in the sunlight!

I LOVE autumn and its colors! And so on this first Thursday of Thanksgiving I give thanks to God for autumn. I am truly grateful for it!!

Blessings, Aimee

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