03 November 2009

PNW Farm Tour: Kiwi in the NW!

We've had kiwi planted here on our land for quite a few years now and other then this year have not had much luck with them in terms of a crop. When I learned there was a commercial kiwi farm here in the PNW I was quite eager to visit there to see how kiwi farming is supposed to be done...oh and eat some too!
But first I feel it is my 'duty' to 'warn' you ... :)
This kiwi farm is located in a beautiful area of rolling hills covered with a lot of vineyards and crowned by tall evergreen trees. In other words, you'll definitely need your camera (some photos of this area later as time, house, garden and PC allows!) Secondly, if you are like me and have only eaten fuzzy kiwi (the type you can buy at most stores) you may be surprised to learn that there is another type--a smooth skinned, miniature type that is...well

TOTALLY amazing!
100% delicious!
Completely addicting!
Oh and did I say you eat these baby kiwi -- skin and all?
AND THAT THEY ARE really, really YUMMY?
Guess I did :)
OK--now that you've been warned,
here are some more photos for you to enjoy...

These are the little ones that won my heart and all of my taste buds (and my son's too).

It was interesting picking them, but you can also buy them ready picked there. The kiwi farmer was quite well informed about his crop--he said I was lucky to have any kiwi since I hadn't done much of anything with them in terms of pruning or fertilizing or ...
well anything except admire their shade and form.
I've now been educated and will be a much better steward of my wonderful kiwi plants next year. And it was great talking to someone who knew first hand how to grow fuzzy kiwi the right way. Just one problem though..
now that I am addicted to baby kiwi I want to grow them too.
Farmer Boy, pretty please ??? :)

It was a well kept farm that it is properly called a kiwi vineyard.
Imagine that? I thought a vineyard was for grapes only.

And here are the fuzzy kiwi.
Aren't they cute?
Some of them came home with me along with the baby kiwi and kiwi honey!
Have I ever said that I LOVE honey!??

So that's my visit to a real kiwi farm located in the PNW.
(I believe the kiwi vineyard had another type of kiwi too but am not sure of the variety)
Blessings fellow kiwi-lovers,
All photos above taken during my visit to HB & K Farms located in Dundee, Oregon at 10794 Worden Hill Rd (there were signs to follow from the main highway through the town)

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