19 April 2013

Rainy Day Thoughts

Outside it's stormy--
Raindrops are falling from the heavens above.
Leaves, branches and newly opened blossoms are swaying in the wind.
Yesterday's sunshine has been replaced by gray, overcast skies.
And yet, even today, there are a few moments of light...
as the gray clouds part momentarily and sunbeams light up the landscape. 
Such has this week been.
More frequently now we hear news from all over the world which
cause our hearts to grieve...
storms hitting our land and those far away.
Lives cut short,
life journeys changed forever,
 dreams brought to an abrupt end.
And these news 'clouds' of sadness and pain
increasingly bring darkness to the moments of our days.
It is not how things were meant to be from the beginning;
it is not how most of us want them to be as we live out our lives on this earth.
So many blessings we've all been given.
So fragile some of them are.
Blessings from our household to yours this Friday,
I ask You today to
 bring comfort and healing to those who have lost so very much this week;
not just those in Boston and Texas,
but to all those in our nation and worldwide
 who have suffered pain of unspeakable depth in recent times.
Grant them true peace Father God,
and may they again know joy and love in the years to come.
In Jesus' Name,

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galations 6:2 KJV

Cherry blossoms
 (thinking of you today M.)
Apple tree blossom "Liberty"
Azalea "Ria Hardijzer"
Flowering crabapple tree "Prairifire"
Canadian Geese flying to their summer homes
Flowering dogwood "Cherokee Chief"


Teresa Kasner said...

Your flowers are ahead of mine.. we're also grieving for the people in Boston and in Texas. ::sigh::

Betsy said...

Amen and Amen thank you for these words.

aimee said...

I think some of our flowers are ahead, but I think some of yours were ahead of ours this year:) For example, your trilliums were blooming while mine were still more in the bud stage--maybe though it is the maturity/age of the plants?
I appreciated your words about the tragedies on your post recently. It will take time for all of us to heal.

aimee said...

I am glad my words blessed you. May God continue to be with the residents of the two cities and with us.

Linda W. said...

Nice flower photos! I love spring when everything starts blooming.

aimee said...

Thanks Linda--I love spring blooms too...well except for blooming weeds:)
Blessings, Aimee

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