25 June 2011

My Week in Photos: A Preview

Wouldn't you know it? Lots of pictures to post and no time to do it,

hence this will be a preview of things to come.

This (almost) past week has been busy with trips to help care for my dad, an absolutely horrific night (no pictures, but it turned out OK thanks to some GOOD friends), a trip for strawberries and to see several PNW historic places, wildlife sightings (including here at home), time in the garden, etc.

But as I have already said, I have no time to post a lot, so here are a few photos to

-- hopefully --

whet your appetite for later :)

I call this "surfing heron"---

poor bird he is probably the most photographed heron this week:)

And this? Well I call this a blessing from the Creator, for we saw this baby here today!

And, yes, this doe is probably the most photographed deer this week:)


I have figured out why I am not finding any ripe berries at home this spring...

apparently my wonderful,

formerly strawberry-hating DH

has had a change of heart

re: the absolute wonderfulness (is that a word??)

of our local strawberries


has been nibbling on ours:)

I LOVE it!

Sunday Blessings, Aimee



heron seen on trip to a PNW historic area

a deer seen in our area


marit said...

Dear Aimee- it is always a treat to see your photos and read your words- thank you for sharing:-)
I've been away from blogreading for quite some time, but I've missed it...
Still waiting for the strawberries to ripen here, it's been a cold, wet spring, haven't mown the lawn morre than 3 or 4 times!

Take care

aimee said...

Hi, Marit!
Good to hear from you! Thank you so much for your comment re: the posts; I'm happy that they were a blessing to you!

I totally understand about the blog thing; be kind to yourself and have a peaceful and joyous summer!

We are still cool and wet here too, but the berries are slowly ripening as I have said. I have not found any berries on my lingonberries though (although it was a very quick check)..sigh, I was really hoping for a big crop and hope I am wrong!

Even with the weather, we've had to mow every week---:) Wierd isn't it how we are both having similar weather and yet things are a bit different? Hope your weather soon warms up!

Blessings + thanks for your visit,

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