08 January 2010

Treasures of the Garden

Newly fallen snow - frost and ice covers over all the little imperfections of the landscape;
but it also highlights the small delights of the garden one does not usually see:
a spider's web lost in the twigs of a tree or bush.

and leaves caught in the frozen waters of a waterfall.
Some more wintry garden photos from last year.


Momzoo said...

Tomorrow morning I am going to go outside and make myself look at all the beautiful things around me. January and February are hard months for me, the sun doesn't come out for weeks and everything green is covered by hard ice and snow. This year I will look for the beauty, thanks for reminding me.

aimee said...

I understand. The winter months are really difficult for me too-- well except when we have snow on the ground or it's sunny (I am such a Rocky Mtn girl).
I have found though, since being at home again, that I always find something beautiful outdoors no matter the weather.
Wishing you many hidden treasures in HIS (and your) gardens!

aimee said...

Thank you L. so very much for your kind comment! I really needed an encouraging word today and between your and Aimee's comments I feel a bit more hopeful.
Now back to work here as the Farmer Boy should be here and very HUNGRY:) I think if I hurry I can surprise him with dinner that is already done! He will like that:)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the photo's and writings on your blog. May our Lord continue to work through you. L.

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