20 May 2010
Note to Visitors
Pond Time
and when we have the sun, and when it gets warm --
well it seems like the frogs just want to lay around in the shallow part of the pond and on the shore around it
which makes them a whole lot easier to take pictures of,
What Am I?
- I am a flower (duh, Aimee---I know you are saying that so please admit it because it will make me smile)
- I remind Aimee of a child's toy pinwheel in my present, baby flower form, and she had to hold on to me to get this photo because it was windy the day she took it:)
- I live in her wildflower-style garden, but would be happy almost anywhere.
And--if you don't know, but just have to know, because you need to know, because you are you....then please see this link.
Garden blessings, Aimee
In Their Words: Voices From the Past
Our family has been fortunate in that we own some of our ancestors writings (poetry, books, journals, family history information, letters). I find that the more I read them, the more I see how many of life's challenges - and joys - are the same.
Here is an excerpt from my Grandpa M's journal (1909-1911) written while he was at college in the PNW:
“ I worked a little while on my story plot this evening but did not accomplish much. Time passes so swiftly and I can’t do half of the work that I plan. I am praying for wisdom regarding these things as I wish to make my time count for more than it has in the past.“
- Do you see any similarities between any of your ancestors and yourself or your children?
- Do you think that many of life's challenges and joys are the same as they have always been-despite improvements in technology?
- Do any of your ancestors inspire you because of hardships they faced?
- If you could go back in time, which of your ancestors would you most like to talk to and why?
Photo: Grandpa & Grandma, probably on their wedding day.
Note: If you would like to learn more about Grandpa M, please see this earlier post here.
19 May 2010
The Word on Wednesday
18 May 2010
Candles of Another Kind:)
Our tree, that replaced the one we had to cut down last year, is growing up! It looks good in the Japanese-style garden, and will look better after we let it get more of a naturally windblown look, but I still miss our old friend...and it's shade.
Blessings, Aimee
Photo: new candles--new growth on our pine tree planted last summer
17 May 2010
Wildflower-Style Garden Update: Mid May
Dianthus (Telstar mix)
Oriental Poppy (Allegro)
Cosmos (Sonata pink & Sonata mix); gypsophila (Gypsy)
Iceland poppy (Champagne Bubbles).
Also in garden--but no close up photo here--is an Iceland poppy (Spring Fever Red)
First section of bed. Columbines thus far planted: Musik Red-White & McKana's Giant (see post link above for close-ups of columbine). Also there is alyssum planted in the garden.
First 2 sections; third section (not shown). Not done yet, but a good start I think; will look better when one Oriental poppy from the first section is moved to the last section (after the rose is transplanted).
What are you working on in your garden? What is your favorite wildflower?
Blessings, Aimee